
Simple Blends

Barna Recycling Recipes

In our first Hungry Hugh’s Recipe Center post we’ve kept it really quick and easy to make. You can have a dinner in a matter of minutes!

Putting on enough vegetables to feed an army for one family dinner sitting is something we are all familiar with. ‘Sure we’ll add in a few more potatoes for the pot!’ ‘Little Charlie loves his carrots, sure we’ll cook 10 of them for him – just in case!’

The reality is we’ve more than enough potatoes before we ‘give one to the pot’ and little Charlie really doesn’t like carrots he just eats them to stop the constant nagging.

With our feast cooked we start to plate up…then the reality hits us…we’ve cooked enough for a small army and there’s only 4 of us, two of which are children! Oops!!

We want to give you some inspiration and encouragement to reuse your left overs.


Three Step Hearty Soup

  1. Take all your left over veggies, cooked and uncooked pop them in a large saucepan with a chicken stock cube, some black pepper, a good sprinkle of salt and some mixed herbs.
  1. Bring to the boil and allow to cook for 20 – 30 minutes. If you’ve used uncooked vegetables you may need to cook for 40 minutes.
  1. If you like a smooth soup use a blender to liquidize the content. Serve in a heated bowl with a dollop of cream. If you prefer a chunky option simply serve from the pot in a warm bowl.


Three Step Smoothie

  1. Take any fruit that has gone or is beginning to go soft. Peel or core it. This can be any fruit you have in the house, bananas, apples, oranges, blueberries, strawberries, anything.
  1. Pop them in the blender with some orange juice and whiz to a consistency of your liking. You can use any juice you like or a wide variety of liquids such as apple juice, milk, coconut milk – anything goes!
  1. Serve with ice for a cool refreshing long drink. Or replace your morning ‘car coffee’ with your smoothie and enjoy a healthy kick start to your morning.