
Pay By Weight Explained

The new Pay by Weight system for waste collection will encourage people to manage their waste more efficiently. It will promote better segregation of waste and lead to a decrease in the amount of household waste going to landfill.

More importantly, the Pay by Weight system will allow households determine their waste collection costs.

The more that is recycled and composted, the less the cost to the householder.

Below is a cost comparison, comparing the traditional Tag system with the new Pay by Weight system in terms of the average annual cost:

Current Tag System Estimated Cost Breakdown

Household Size

No. of Annual Collections


4 people

26 collections of Waste & Recycling


2 people

12 collections Waste & Recycling


1 person

9 collections of Waste & Recycling


New Pay By Weight System Estimated Cost Breakdown

Household Size

No. of Annual Collections


4 people 26 collections of Waste,  Recycling & Compost €265.00
2 people 12 collections Waste,  Recycling & Compost €175.00
1 person 9 collections  of Waste,  Recycling & Compost €149.00

An average family of four generates 30kgs of general waste on a fortnightly basis and the average weights of a recycling and brown bin are 12kgs and 5kgs respectively. On the old tag system, it cost €13.00 to lift the waste bin and €6.00 for recycling, totalling €19.00 per lift for two bins.

On the new Pay by Weight system, you only pay for what you throw away. Your new fortnightly cost will be €11.29, based on the kg costs of 22 cent per kg for waste bin collections and 8 cent for recycling and compost.

“A family can save over €15 per month”

The same comparative can be applied to a household with two people. The average fortnightly waste generated by a two person household is 15 kgs of general waste, 6kgs of recyclable waste and 2.5 kgs of compostable waste.  Based on the same kg costs of 22 cent per kg for waste and 8 cent for recycling and compost, your cost per lift is now only €7.31 on a fortnightly basis or €14.62 on a monthly basis.

“A couple can save almost €12 every two weeks”

For more information or to sign up to Barna Recycling Pay By Weight Services please contact us today on 0818 287 010.