- Barna Recycling
- Apr 28, 2017
World Earth Day

Last week, the world celebrated Earth Day. April 22nd marks the anniversary of this modern environmental movement that began back in 1970.
The idea was formed by U.S Senator, Gaylord Nelson after witnessing the massive oil spill in Santa Barbara, California in 1969. In 1990 Earth Day went global, mobilising 200 million people in 141 countries and lifting environmental issues onto the world stage.
The objective of Earth Day is to diversify, educate and activate the environmental movement worldwide. Today Earth Day has recruited more than 50,000 partners in nearly 195 countries to build environmental democracy.
Last weekend, youth groups from across Ireland were encouraging the public to make the switch from disposable plastic water bottles to reusable drink containers as part of their #GotTheBottle campaign. Young people from Ossory Youth, Kilkenny, Youth Work Ireland Galway, Foróige Cork and ECO-UNESCO Dublin were leading the campaign in an effort to reduce the waste caused by single-use disposable plastic bottles.
According to the Galway Independent, 152 million litres of bottled water are sold each year in Ireland, most of this contained in plastic packaging. The act of producing plastic bottles creates a huge amount of greenhouse gas pollution. It is estimated that only a small percentage of water bottles are recycled with many ending up in the ocean. But we can very easily make an effort to recycle our plastic at home or at work.
At Barna Recycling we want to remind our customers of the correct bin for each waste stream. Plastic bottles must be clear from contamination and placed in your blue recycling bin. This waste is taken to our recovery facility where it undergoes a strict process of segregation to separate the materials in preparation for re-use.
A good tip to remember, clean, dry, flatten and squash your recyclable material as much as you can!
If you are unsure about what waste goes in what bin, follow our ‘What Goes in my Bin’ guide.
Read our relevant blogs on our website covering all things recycling:
Get Imaginative With Your Waste in 2017